O1 Visualisation for Professionals
The IO1 Visualisation for Professionals Development Guidelines is a reference for educational professionals; it contains theoretical pedagogical information, step by step guidelines for creating Visual Dictionary contents and for applying them in their work, as well as good practice samples (supported by IO2) of how to inspire and motivate learners with reward or gamification mechanisms included in the learning environment (which is the result of IO3).
Attempting to answer the generic questions of ‘Why? and How?’ The main outcome of this output is the Guidelines for educators - document, which informs educators of how to create Visual Dictionaries and utilise them to achieve better learning results. It focuses on developing pedagogic skills for working with visual dictionaries and utilising and supporting the learners in online environments, which are brought to the learning process.
The type of embedding Visual Dictionary resources proposed in SWIM is a new concept - there are existing static resources such as visual books for language learning, and a few dictionary websites, which also reflect nowadays already a historic time of the internet development - static, one-direction resources that the user has no ways to interact with. The approach taken in SWIM sees the Visual Dictionary element as one tool in the educators toolbox, that can be used to enrich the learning experience and maximize the opportunities of memorising new contents especially for visually oriented learners. The guidelines are the key part of ensuring the expanding usage of this innovative concept.
Partners will work closely with their control groups to identify the precise training needs to be addressed in the Guidelines.